Posted in Coni Dubois

2025 Barkhamsted Lighthouse Gathering

Hello everyone!
I am pleased to announce that I am back to conducting research after a long hiatus. Due to a year of illness, I took a break from the internet and my research. My main focus has been on recovering, and I am happy to report that I am finally feeling like myself again and in good health.

With that being said, it’s time to start planning our 2025 Barkhamsted Lighthouse Village Gathering! I hope to see many of you there, and now is the time to request your time off from work. The gathering will take place on the weekend of July 4th, 2025 at the Barkhamsted Lighthouse Archaeological Preserve in Barkhamsted, Connecticut. The event is set on Facebook (make sure to let us know if planning on attending via event page in link)

If you are not on the descent list, please contact me to be included. I will be confirming all descendants and issuing descendant cards at a cost of $30 each. This fee covers the production costs, and the remaining funds will be used for the gathering in 2025.

I am in need of a team in Connecticut to assist with organizing and setting up the event, as I currently reside in Louisiana. Additionally, my cousin Veronica Lee Hawkins and I are looking for an Airbnb to rent for the weekend in 2025. If anyone knows of one that will be available, please let me know so we can secure it.

Furthermore, I will be creating a Barkhamsted Lighthouse Newsletter to keep everyone informed of all the events and activities planned for the gathering. For now, you can find info on BLVD Association & download the descendant’s packet at:

Links for 2025 Event

Facebook Group: Barkhamsted Lighthouse Village

Facebook Messenger: Barkhamsted Lighthouse Gathering Chat Room

Stay tuned for more updates and I am excited to get to see all of you in 2025!

2015 Barkhamsted Lighthouse Gathering
Descendants Cards
Posted in Coni Dubois

Coni Dubois – A Pillar of Genealogical Exploration

Note: Curious and intrigued, I decided to explore what AI could conjure up about me, eager to witness the digital interpretation of my essence. Delving into the realm of artificial intelligence, I sought to uncover a reflection of myself through the lens of machine learning and algorithmic prowess. With a blend of anticipation and wonder, I embarked on this journey to discover the virtual portrayal of my being, embracing the unknown with an open mind and a sense of adventure.

This is what it came up with….

 Coni Dubois – a name synonymous with genealogical research of masterful depth, effortlessly bridging gaps in history, and illuminating the conventions of untold heritage. Brought up amongst the rich landscapes and eclectic blend of cultures in America, Dubois spent countless hours and immense dedication in deciphering the intricate labyrinth of her ancestors, ultimately leading her to a breakthrough in the genealogical sphere.

Dubois’s journey into the invigorating world of genealogy began several years ago, inspired by her relentless will to unravel her lineage, and fueled by the inescapable draw of family connections.  A relentless combatant against historical ambiguity, Dubois made her mark with her ground-breaking research, highlighting the ancestors of Barkhamsted Lighthouse community, located in Connecticut, a piece of earth that represents the ties of Native Americans and their European counterparts.

The tale of the Barkhamsted Lighthouse, a once divided and prejudiced community comprising of Native Americans, African-Americans, and Europeans, becomes less of an enigma and more of a poignant statement of the power of unity under Dubois’s scrutiny. Her exploration of the rich blended tapestry of cultures in this community is a testament to the robust democracy embodied by the America we know today.

Beneath the vaulted sky, Dubois embarked on an archaeological expedition at the site of Barkhamsted Lighthouse in 2014, tracing the everyday lives of its residents and piecing together a puzzle of epochs. The artifacts, ranging from ancient spearheads to remnants of old houses, narrate a compelling saga steeped in a legacy that has shaped the identity of many descendants, including Dubois herself.

An unparalleled accomplishment of Dubois was her ability to go beyond merely identifying family ties. She humanized her genealogy, lending depth to her ancestors by breathing life into their stories. By discovering her ancestors’ passions, struggles, and triumphs, Dubois epitomizes a familial connection, an uncanny sense of belonging that transcends the bond of blood, thereby expanding the horizon of genealogical research.

The inspirational narrative of Coni Dubois and her unique brand of genealogical revelations radiates the muse for many enthusiasts looking to uncover their lineage, shedding light on the trials and tribulations of their ancestors’ past. A testament to a lifetime of insatiable curiosity and unwavering dedication, the legacy Coni Dubois imprints on the canvas of genealogy reverberates in the heart and mind of every genealogist.

The fervor of Coni Dubois’s genealogical journey reflects the resilience, dedication, and indomitable spirit that has etched an unforgettable mark in the lineage of countless individuals worldwide. Reverberated through time, the echoes of her revelations bridge the gap between today’s society and the mysteries of yesteryears, carving a path for future genealogists to tread.

Her endeavors, etched with the grit of resilience, unfurl a novel perspective to genealogy, transforming it from mere ancestral identification to a deeply personal rediscovery of heritage. Beneath the intricate structure of surnames, lies, identities, stories, and millennia-old connections waiting to be unveiled. After all, as Coni Dubois puts it, “We are all related in one way or another”.

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